Earthline Fri, 25 Oct 2024 10:04:50 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2022/07/fav.png Earthline 32 32 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION BY PLANE /subsurface-exploration-by-plane/ Fri, 25 Oct 2024 10:00:55 +0000 /?p=6220

Subsurface Exploration by Plane

October 2024

In regions where well and seismic data are scarce, such as is the case for large areas in Africa, one of the best ways to do a quick initial mapping exercise is airborne geophysics.

At Earthline Consulting, we specialise in subsurface exploration by plane. This enables us to gain an understanding of what lies beneath the earth’s surface without the time constraints of a ground survey.  

Subsurface Geology

Data, particularly information about subsurface geology, is key to successfully exploiting natural resources, be they mineral, hydrocarbon or renewables such as geothermal and natural hydrogen. Especially in Africa, where large swaths of the continent have not been mapped in detail, conducting subsurface exploration by plane means we are able to survey large areas of land to produce nationwide subsurface resource maps. This would be a significant step forward and key to achieving a unified, cohesive understanding of subsurface geology and resource potential.

Subsurface Exploration by Plane – Initiatives in Africa

There have been some notable sub-surface exploration initiatives by organisations such as the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC), Operated by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and the U.S. GeoFramework Initiative (USGI). However, national-scale subsurface mapping projects in Africa remain elusive.

The African Magnetic Mapping Project (AMMP) is one example which includes 1:2,000,000 and 1:5,000,000 shaded relief total field magnetic maps, as well as country digital grids with 1 km x 1 km resolution draped on topography.

Other commercial subsurface geological mapping projects, in some cases funded by African governments or via agencies such as the World Bank, have contributed to geological mapping across the continent. These subsurface exploration projects help the understanding of Africa’s geology and natural resources but are often at insufficient resolution, sometimes based on satellite-derived data or older geophysical airborne techniques.

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Subsurface Exploration by Plane - Why Airborne Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG) Surveys at Scale Make Sense

Innovative technologies can enable accelerated development of natural resources, especially when the technology in question can be deployed quickly and efficiently and with minimal environmental footprint. This is one of the key advantages of the deployment of the latest  version of Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry when conducting subsurface exploration by plane.

FTG is a way of measuring changes in the density of the subsurface caused by subsurface geology. It is used by natural resource and mineral prospectors to measure and map changes in the density of the subsurface.

Just as seismic geophysics has evolved over recent decades, the development of gravity gradiometry when compared to conventional scalar gravity, can be likened to the jump in resolution from 2D to 3D seismic, and the latest advanced Enhanced Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (eFTG) can be further compared to the development of ultra high-resolution 3D seismic. 

This information is used to construct a picture of subsurface faults, structures and lineaments, which can then be used to accurately identify a variety of oil, gas, groundwater and mineral targets.

Because FTG and other geophysical instruments such as magnetometers and LiDAR can be deployed at the same time in an aircraft, large areas can be surveyed rapidly with different and complementary techniques.

Large Areas Surveyed Rapidly

Subsurface exploration by plane allows us to cover large areas very rapidly. For example, in late August 2024, the airborne acquisition of eFTG, gravity, magnetic, and LiDAR data began. Covering over ~28,000 square kilometres of the Kwanza Basin, onshore Angola, 38,000+ line kilometres of data will be flown by the end of September. Coverage includes 23 onshore exploration blocks with limited legacy geophysical data coverage.

This survey was conducted in conjunction with the Agencia Nacional de Petroleo, Gas e Biocombustiveis, (ANPG) to provide data on the geological structures, sedimentary basins and salt tectonics in the Kwanza Basin to enable the participating operators to fast-track their exploration effort and to provide a basin-wide dataset to launch new international onshore bid rounds for the region.

The eFTG datasets will allow detailed information to be gleaned in terms of the structural composition, subsurface trends and lineaments and impact of the broader regional geology over the survey area, as well as highly-detailed information achieved by infill over individually licensed blocks. The magnetic data acquired at the same time is crucial to understanding the distribution and variation of volcanic rocks. Of particular interest is the identification of sedimentary basins and basement structure and specifically, the new eFTG data prepares the groundwork for challenging seismic imaging of the sub-salt structure.

Country-Wide Perspectives on Resources

These larger-scale ‘National’ surveys conducted using subsurface exploration by plane allow governments and agencies to have a country-wide geophysical dataset that can be used for multiple purposes. These purposes include mineral, hydrocarbon and renewables exploration, as well as providing data that can be used for environmental and infrastructure planning purposes.  The data also allows unification of well data and numerous geophysical data sets such as 2D and 3D seismic data, which is usually present over quite limited areas.

In many African countries where data coverage is sparse, such as Angola where only 10 percent of the country’s land has been geophysical and geochemically surveyed, these larger airborne surveys can be an extremely cost-effective way of ‘kick starting’ or rejuvenating much needed resource exploration.

Using Subsurface Exploration by Plane to Acquire New Data

It is quite common, especially in oil and gas exploration, for companies to abandon subsurface exploration in a sedimentary basin after just a couple of unsuccessful wells and temporarily, at least, assign that area to ‘barren status’. Early exploration in Namibia provides such an example, with that country now a thriving production and exploration hotspot. 

In such cases where there is a lack of early success, host Governments often require new data to encourage entrants with a fresh approach to the area. Or if a new licensing round is initiated, an up to date, unifying geophysical dataset can be the catalyst to encourage new participants and fresh thinking to a basin with great potential but limited sub-surface information.

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Image showing eFTG dataset and 2D seismic line. Taken from 2023 Namibia survey.

The hot colours (red and white) show structural highs, cool colours (blue and purple) show structural lows. Note the insets showing three stratigraphic wells drilled to date, and the strong correlation of the 2D seismic line to the eFTG data. Image courtesy of ReconAfrica.

For more information on subsurface exploration by plane and the advantages it can bring, please contact the team at Earthline Consulting today.

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

AIRBORNE SURVEYING FOR GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: METATEK AT GESGB/SEAPEX /airborne-surveying-for-geothermal-energy-metatek-at-gesgb-seapex/ Thu, 05 Sep 2024 12:40:04 +0000 /?p=6202

Airborne Surveying for Geothermal Energy: Earthline Consulting turns up the Heat at GESGB/SEAPEX Conference

September 2024

Southeast Asia was in focus at the Oval, London where Earthline Consulting presented a key talk on airborne surveying for Geothermal Energy.

Jon Watson, Earthline Consulting’s GM and interpretation manager showed some results from one of our recent airborne surveying for geothermal energy in Japan.  This illustrates the power of eFTG surveying in understanding the subsurface ‘plumbing’ of geothermal systems.

Challenging Survey Conditions for Airborne Surveying

The talk was part of the keynote session on ‘Asia Pacific in Energy Transition’ and focused on an airborne survey undertaken for JOGMEC at the end of last year. The acquisition was undertaken rapidly at a time when the flying weather was deteriorating as the winter season began. When conducting airborne surveying for geothermal energy, the weather is always a factor which could get in the way. The survey was flown over mountainous terrain with considerable turbulence although visibility was sufficient to allow for safe flying operations. The eFTG instrument, due to its advanced design, was able to deliver excellent geothermal energy data within specification, despite these challenging conditions.

Most Advanced Geothermal Energy Instrumentation – Lockheed Martin eFTG

The Lockheed Martin eFTG system constitutes a significant advance in gradiometry technology and was introduced in 2020. It comprises the best design elements of both partial and full tensor gradiometers, essentially comprising three digital tensor discs/GGIs mounted in an FTG configuration.

This means the eFTG GGIs have eight accelerometers per disc with a measurement baseline roughly double that of earlier FTG accelerometer separation. This increase in accelerometers and larger baseline means the eFTG has a threefold improvement in signal to noise over the entire bandwidth, allowing excellent data to be acquired in conditions when other systems would fall out of specification and aircraft would have to return to base.

Also, with 24 accelerometers the eFTG provides 12 gravity gradient outputs per measurement location (the eFTG essentially measures the full tensor twice and with double the accuracy in each case), alongside measuring the scalar gravity through the eFTG Advanced Gravity Module Assembly (AGMA).

New Insights into Geothermal Energy Prospectivity

In late 2023 Earthline Consulting completed the acquisition, processing and interpretation of an airborne geophysical survey over an area of 1047km2, for the purposes of further advancing geothermal energy exploration. The area of interest contains a number of hot-spring resorts and geothermal stations and further development is planned to maximise the geothermal potential of the area.

Objectives of the geothermal survey were to confirm the location, extent and depth of areas surrounding the volcanic magma chambers, model those volcanic centres and identify the faults and lineament through which the heat source may propagate to surface.

The geophysical tools used were enhanced Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (eFTG), eFTG Scalar Gravity unit (the AGMA), magnetics and LiDAR. The survey was acquired over an area of both rural and urban centres (spa and ski resorts), with topography ranging from 91m to 2037m. Due to the need to achieve low flight heights, to maximise data resolution, a careful  multi-azimuth aircraft flight drape was considered.

Acquisition commenced late Autumn 2023 . Acquisition was over 14 short production flights.

Processing was completed within 4 weeks, followed by a 6-week interpretation of all the datasets, to produce both qualitative and quantitative interpretation deliverables, including 2D and 3D modelling.

The eFTG data provided a wealth of information on the density distribution of the subsurface, the location and depth propagation of the major and minor faults and lineaments. In particular, the location of low-density depocentres surrounding the volcanic centres were of interest. The magnetic data provided detailed information on the distribution and character of the volcanic features, and confirmed faulting and lineaments, due to the mineralisation of the fluid pathways.

The fully processed point-cloud LiDAR datasets provided a bare-earth model of the topographic surface, in a highly forested area, allowing surface geology features to be identified; calibrated against legacy geology maps and used alongside the eFTG and magnetic data to propagate from the surface to deep.

If you have any questions or want more information on Jon’s talk regarding airborne surveying for geothermal energy, then contact us today.

airborne surveying for geothermal energy metatek turns up the heat at gesgb:seapex conference
Source material by kind permission of JOGMEC

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

AEROMAGNETIC SURVEYING – THE BASICS /aeromagnetic-surveying-the-basics/ Thu, 30 May 2024 13:22:18 +0000 /?p=6017

Aeromagnetic Surveying – The Basics

May 2024

Aeromagnetic Surveying: A Centuries Old Activity (Though Not in the Air)

Aeromagnetic surveying is older than you may think. Magnetic surveying is one of the earliest geophysical methods used, with an early 1600s survey in Sweden used to detect magnetic iron ores. Once instruments were developed in the late 1800s to measure the magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field, magnetic surveys for mineral exploration became commonplace.

These early magnetometer surveys were limited in areal extent and only small areas could be acquired in detail. In the mid-1900s, with the advent of an aircraft‐mounted magnetometer system developed for submarine detection during World War II, the number and areal coverage of magnetic surveys expanded rapidly.

The first airborne magnetic or aeromagnetic survey for geological purposes was flown in 1945 in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Navy. By the end of the 1940 s, aeromagnetic surveys were commonplace and being flown worldwide.

How is a Geophysical Aeromagnetic Surveying Undertaken?

Aeromagnetic surveys are conducted using an aircraft with an attached magnetometer. As the aircraft flies, the magnetometer measures and records the total intensity of the magnetic field at the sensor. This measurement includes the desired magnetic field generated in the Earth as well as tiny variations due to the constantly varying solar wind and the magnetic field of the survey aircraft.

magnetometer (stringer) at rear of mwtatek dc3 tp
Magnetometer (Stinger) at rear of Earthline Consulting DC3-TP

By subtracting the solar, regional, and aircraft effects, the resulting aeromagnetic map shows the spatial distribution and relative abundance of magnetic minerals (primarily the iron oxide mineral magnetite and pyrrhotite) in the upper levels of the Earth’s crust.

Different rock types have varying content of magnetic minerals, so the magnetic map allows visualisation of the geological structure of the upper crust, especially where bedrock is obscured by surface sediments, soil, or water. Faults and fractures also tend to contain accumulations of magnetite from migrating fluids and hence magnetic surveying can assist in mapping of faults and fractures.

Where are Aeromagnetic Surveys used and what for?

Aeromagnetic surveys are conducted all over the world and some countries such as Australia, Canada and USA invest heavily in systematic airborne magnetic surveys of their respective continents and surrounding oceans. This assists with mapping geology and in the discovery of mineral deposits.  Smaller scale surveys are conducted over mineral and oil and gas licenses for more targeted exploration.

What Does the Magnetic Data Look Like?

Below is a magnetic grid and is one example of how magnetic data is displayed in map form. In simple terms the strong magnetic highs (red) over magnetic sources and magnetic lows (blue) over areas lacking strong magnetic content. The size and amplitude of the anomalies can infer the depth and extent of the magnetic bodies (for example iron ores).

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Aeromagnetic Survey Process

Aeromagnetic surveys are typically flown on a grid basis along survey lines with further perpendicular (tie) lines. The spacing of the survey- and tie lines is dependent upon the geological targets being surveyed being. Typically, regional surveys may acquire data with a 250-500m line spacing. However, surveys for smaller targets such as kimberlites may demand line spacing of 25m.

Where targets are shallow (<200m), aeromagnetic anomalies may be further investigated with ground magnetic surveys on 10m to 50m line spacing with 1m station spacing to provide the best detail (2 to 10m pixel grid) (or 25 times the resolution prior to drilling).

Types of Airborne Magnetometers

There are two main categories of airborne magnetometers: scalar and vector.

Scalar magnetometers measure the total strength of the magnetic field, while vector magnetometers measure a component of the magnetic field in a particular direction.

The main types of scalar and vector magnetometers are described below:

Scalar Magnetometers:

Proton Magnetometer: This is based on the precession of hydrogen atoms in a magnetic field. It is very accurate and stable but has a low sampling rate and is sensitive to vibrations.

Overhauser Magnetometer: This is like the proton magnetometer but uses free radicals to enhance the precession signal. It has a higher sampling rate and is less sensitive to vibrations but requires more power and has a lower dynamic range.

Optically Pumped Magnetometer: This is based on the alignment of atoms or molecules in a magnetic field using a laser or a lamp. It can have a high sampling rate and a wide dynamic range but is affected by temperature and pressure changes and is more expensive.

Vector Magnetometers:

Fluxgate Magnetometer: This is based on the induction of a magnetic field in a highly permeable core. It is simple and low-cost but has a limited dynamic range and is sensitive to temperature changes.

Hall Effect Magnetometer: This is based on the deflection of electric current in a magnetic field. It has a high dynamic range and is insensitive to temperature changes but has a low sensitivity and is affected by noise.

SQUID Magnetometer: This is based on the quantum interference of superconducting currents in a magnetic field. It has a very high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range but is very expensive and requires cryogenic cooling.

Choosing the Right Technology for your Aeromagnetic Survey

The choice of the type and technology of the airborne magnetometer depends on the purpose, budget, and environment of the survey. For example, scalar magnetometers are more suitable for mapping the total magnetic field, while vector magnetometers are more suitable for measuring the gradients (horizontal and/or vertical) often for the more detailed surveying requirements for mineral exploration. 

For aeromagnetic surveying, Earthline Consulting uses a scalar magnetometer, specifically a split-beam Caesium Vapour total field magnetic sensor installed in a tail boom.  A fluxgate magnetometer coupled with a state of the art, real time compensator is used to remove the magnetic effects of the aircraft in motion.  A ground located base magnetometer is also positioned as close to the survey area as possible with a second base station sited within the operational airport or base.

Earthline routinely acquires magnetic data along with Full Tensor gravity gradiometry (FTG) and scalar gravity and all our aircraft benefit from demagnetisation of its airframes and key components.

For more information on Magnetic surveys from Earthline Consulting, take a look at our Technology page. If you have any questions or have an application you would like to discuss, please contact us today.

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

GREAT ENERGY AT FRONTIER AFRICA ENERGIES SUMMIT 2024 /great-energy-at-frontier-africa-energies-summit-2024/ Tue, 21 May 2024 14:41:20 +0000 /?p=5997

Great Energy at Frontier Africa Energies Summit 2024

May 2024

Earthline participated and exhibited at the Africa Energies Summit in London in May, hosted by The Frontier Energy Network. This annual event brings together Africa’s energy industry to provide new insights into the fast-changing energy landscape across this vast, diverse continent.

The program featured a host of African governments and NOC’s promoting their countries resource sectors as well as energy investors, energy companies, finance, legal and service companies. Promotion of energy access across Africa was a key theme, as was acceleration of low carbon solutions in a fair energy transition.

There was a lot of optimism around resource exploration across Africa and we enjoyed meeting with existing and future clients, and hearing about their challenges and how we might assist their plans.

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For more information on our services and experience in Africa, please contact us today.

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

THE DC3 AIRCRAFT – HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF OUR AERIAL SURVEY AIRCRAFT /the-dc3-aircraft-history-and-development-of-our-aerial-survey-aircraft/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:47:18 +0000 /?p=5915

The DC3 Aircraft - History & Development of our Aerial Survey Aircraft

April 2024

A Durable Surveying Workhorse

Earthline’s flagship aerial survey aircraft is a purpose-built Douglas DC3T. Although based on the DC3 ‘Dakota’, which may be familiar to WWII films, this is a very different beast.

Specifications of our Aerial Survey Aircraft

With 8 hours of operational endurance and STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) capability for use at remote airstrips, our aerial survey aircraft has a 100ft wingspan for stability, five-bladed propellers for smooth operation powered by modern twin turboprop engines and over-wing exhaust systems for low acoustic output (< 88Db). The aircraft airframe and key components benefit from extensive modification, including demagnetisation for geophysical surveying purposes. Needless to say, it also has modern flight, navigation and safety systems.

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Earthline’s highly modified DC-3T

An Iconic Aircraft for Aerial Surveying and More…

The DC-3 aircraft was first developed and produced by the Douglas Aircraft Company in the 1930s. The design has been extensively modified and improved over the decades, resulting in an extremely safe and robust aircraft that has had many uses, including aerial surveying. It is still widely regarded as one of the most significant transport aircraft in aviation history and played a crucial role in revolutionising modern air travel.

The DC-3 aircraft is responsible for popularising air travel, particularly in the United States. Early eastbound transcontinental flights could cross the U.S. in about 15 hours with three refuelling stops, while westbound trips against the wind took 17+ hours. A few years earlier, such a trip entailed short hops in slower and shorter-range aircraft during the day, coupled with rail travel overnight.

The DC-3’s legacy and iconic status continue to be celebrated, and a considerable number of them are still in service around the world. Its timeless design and historical significance have made it an enduring symbol of aviation history.

DC-3 Aircraft Design and Specification

The DC-3 is a twin-engine, low-wing monoplane with a metal airframe. It was designed by a team led by Arthur Raymond, who later worked on the Gemini and Apollo space missions for NASA. From the start, it was clear that the DC-3 was a truly forward-looking design in an age of box-like passenger biplanes.

The airframe was extremely robust, and because its cabin was unpressurised, the DC-3 has never been prone to the kind of metal fatigue caused by the ‘pressurisation cycles’ experienced by more modern aircraft, whereby fuselages are continually forced to expand and contract.

It can accommodate 21 to 32 passengers in ‘airline’ mode, although different variants were developed for various purposes, including aerial surveying, military transport, cargo, and executive use. In its early versions, it had a cruising speed of around 210 mph (333 km/h) and a range of approximately 1,500 miles (2,414 km).

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the evolution of dc3 cockipit and instrumentation
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The evolution of DC3 cockpit and instrumentation.

Military Heritage

During World War II, the DC-3 was widely used by Allied military forces around the world. It served as a transport aircraft, paratrooper carrier, and medical evacuation plane. Its ruggedness, versatility, and ability to operate from unpaved airstrips made it highly valuable for military operations.

dc3 aircraft

Reliable and Rugged Aircraft

One of the DC-3’s most remarkable characteristics is its exceptional endurance and reliability. Its sturdy construction and powerful engines allow it to operate in adverse weather conditions and challenging environments. The aircraft’s dependability earned it the reputation of being able to “fly through anything.” The DC-3 has been used in all environments, from the extreme temperatures of deserts to the freezing conditions of the Arctic Circle. A jet-assisted DC-3 has even been launched from an aircraft carrier. Its ability to perform in all weathers and environments makes it the perfect candidate for aerial surveying, where exploration projects take place all over the world.

DC3 modified for operation in extreme environments, Shutterstock

Versatile Veteran

Despite being developed over eight decades ago, the DC-3 continues to be used today in various capacities worldwide. Many DC-3 aircraft, such as our own, have been extensively converted and modified for specialised roles in aero surveying, but they are also still being used for cargo transport, firefighting, skydiving operations, and tourism.

The DC3 may be one of the very few aircraft to still be in regular commercial use after 100 years – time will tell!

Aerial Survey Aircraft from Earthline Consulting

Our DC3 is just one of our aerial survey aircrafts, find out more about our other aircraft options here.

If you have a project requiring an aerial survey aircraft, then contact the team at Earthline Consulting today

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

METATEK EXHIBIT AT BEOS 2024 /metatek-exhibit-at-beos-2024/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:55:41 +0000 /?p=5856

Earthline Exhibit at BEOS 2024

March 2024

The Business Exploration Opportunities Show (BEOS) is a two-day event held in London and hosted jointly by the AAPG and the GESGB.

The Oil and Gas industry remains a critical energy bridge for the Energy Transition and predicted global supply and demand for Oil, Gas/LNG requires new resources to replace existing production decline.

The BEOS event provides a platform to the international upstream exploration and business development / new ventures part of the industry and allows showcasing and marketing of exploration opportunities and assets.

Attendees included many of the Oil & Gas Majors, NOCs, Independents, E&P Companies and Governments. Other delegates included banks, financiers, service companies, advisories, and law firms.

Earthline is a regular attendee and exhibitor at BEOS and this year met up with clients and colleagues to discuss opportunities and to reconnect.

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Earthline and Natural Hydrogen at BEOS 2024

As part of the Hydrogen session on day 2 of the conference, Richard Heath of the Natural Hydrogen Study Group, presented part of ongoing work between RAK Gas, NHSG and Earthline Consulting on natural hydrogen exploration in the UAE.

Richard spoke on the geological settings for natural hydrogen, focusing on Ophiolite belts, and initial geological and geophysical datasets available in the UAE that have been worked up to evaluate the natural hydrogen potential of the area.

Further work is ongoing including field work and possible geophysical survey acquisition. A presentation on the updated work is anticipated to be given at the AAPG ICE conference in Muscat in September 2024.

Worthy Mention

One of the last talks on the second day was on ‘The Evolution of Core Studies in the Revolution of Exploration and Development Models’ presented by Melissa Johanssen of Geode-Energy who explained the various sedimentary features visible in some spectacular lagoonal, estuarine and deep-water cores from various North Sea wells. Particularly worthy of mention because of the great work undertaken by North Sea Core CIC in rescuing and preserving 1,000s of feet of precious core which would otherwise have ended up in landfill. Now a secured resource for education and industry.

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metatek exhibit at beos 2024 3

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

UK- INDIA CRITICAL MINERALS INTERGOVERNMENTAL WORKSHOP /uk-india-critical-minerals-intergovernmental-workshop/ Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:19:31 +0000 /?p=5832

UK- India Critical Minerals Intergovernmental Workshop

26th – 28th February 2024

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In February 2024, Earthline Consulting were part of the UK-India Critical Minerals Intergovernmental Workshop.

Critical metals such as copper, cobalt, rare-earth and platinum group metals are increasingly in global demand as the need for raw materials for low-carbon technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, magnets, and EV vehicles increases year on year.

Recognition in India and the UK of the importance of building supply chain resilience in this area means that both countries have now released critical mineral strategies addressing areas such as exploration, mining, smelting, processing, and recycling.

About the Critical Minerals Intergovernmental Workshop

The aims of the Critical Minerals workshop were to gain research, innovation and policy insights on critical mineral exploration and extraction as well as business opportunities in both countries. The ambition is to create a UK-India community of academics, innovators, investors and companies to address challenges and identify best practices and commercial opportunities.

This event took place at the Technology Business Incubator, in Bhubaneshwar, India with themes including critical mineral policy, extraction and surveying methods, solutions and technologies in these areas.

Earthline at the Critical Minerals Workshop

Earthline’s Jon Watson was invited to present at the Critical Minerals Exploration Challenge, which focussed on research and innovation partnership.

A question was asked during the morning session by Josh Bamford, Head of Tech & Innovation at the British High Commission New Delhi, “How do you prioritise exploration in an area 3x size of the UK?”.

Jon’s talk addressed this point specifically by explaining how airborne geophysics offers the ideal solution for large, data-sparse areas. The ability to acquire multiple geophysical measurements, including gravity gradiometry, scalar gravity, magnetics, gamma-ray spectrometry, LiDAR from a single aircraft, not only offers rapid data acquisition (often over 1,000-line km’s per day), but also at low-cost, with minimal environmental footprint.

Regional surveying over larger areas can produce a daily fast-track subsurface image of the area flown, allowing the prioritising of denser acquisition over identified areas of interest, and in turn limiting acquisition over areas that seem less prospective. Once processed and interpreted, targets can be identified for further land-based exploration and drilling.

Earthline Working with Governments Across the World

Earthline works with Governments to map large areas of sovereign territory such as the survey acquired in the Western Desert of Egypt where an area of over 110,000 km2 was acquired in about 35 flights. The team identified previously unexplored Pan-African and Arabian shield trends, and the uplift from the legacy gravity data to the enhanced full tensor gravity gradiometry data (eFTG) data has been quite remarkable.

delegates attending critical minerals workshop
Delegates attending Critical Minerals workshop.
jon watson
Jon presenting airborne geophysical surveying to delegates.

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

HOW EFTG MULTI-CLIENT DATA REDUCES EXPLORATION RISK IN EGYPT’S WESTERN DESERT /how-eftg-multi-client-data-reduces-exploration-risk/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 13:43:34 +0000 /?p=5796

How eFTG Multi-Client Data Reduces Exploration Risk in Egypt's Western Desert

March 2024

In 2020, the first outing of the world’s most sophisticated airborne gravity gradiometer (The Enhanced Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometer – eFTG) yielded fascinating insights into the underexplored Egyptian subsurface, improving geological understanding and reducing hydrocarbon exploration risk. In this insight, we describe the development of eFTG and how, along with other data, it has contributed to the exploration of Egypt’s western desert.

The Development of eFTG: Where did it come from?

With today’s wide array of exploration technology, we rarely get to witness a significant leap forward in instrumentation advancement. Nonetheless, this is exactly what Lockheed Martin achieved in development of the eFTG. This is their latest state-of-the-art gravity imaging system and remains the most accurate instrument of its kind.  

Some explorationists will be forgiven for thinking that gravity imaging has been around ‘almost’ as long as some of the ancient antiquities discovered by Howard Carter the British archaeologist and Egyptologist. So, what could have changed so radically to revolutionise our world of exploration, and more importantly, when do we get to see evidence that warrants such superlatives? The answer is that a lot has changed in exploration technology, and the new data is available now!

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Figure 1: Horus-1 eFTG survey area over the Western Dessert and the subsequent discovery of new rift basins

A Challenging Environment for the Development of eFTG

Lockheed Martin are the only manufacturer to have successfully built and commercialised full and partial tensor gravity gradiometers. The technology was developed during the 1970s cold war. The first FTG-like devices were originally designed to operate in the ocean and, after declassification, were modified to acquire data in the more dynamic airborne environment. Except for some minor upgrades and construction of a partial tensor system (rather than a truly full tensor system), little has changed over a quarter of a century.
However, in August 2020, after five years of development and testing, the eFTG instrument was exclusively released to Earthline Consulting. It was then mobilised to acquire data over an underexplored region of the Egyptian Western Desert (Figure 1). This new instrument, with a reported fourfold improvement in signal-to-noise ratio on its closest competitor (i.e. the Lockheed Martin built FTG; note no ‘e’), was tasked with acquiring gravity gradiometry data for a TGS-led multiclient programme, specifically designed to unlock the treasures that exist beneath 120,000 km2 of the Egyptian Western Desert. 
On the face of it, a routine survey until you factor in the significant challenges. Firstly, the acquisition would take place in summer when the temperatures exceed 45°C, generating fierce turbulence; secondly, the survey area is three-quarters the size of Florida; and thirdly, the acquisition was to take no more than ten weeks. Quite the challenge for the first sortie into hydrocarbon exploration for the instrument, a challenge the eFTG overcame, surpassing all expectations. 
The Ganope Petroleum Company manages and supervises all upstream and downstream oil and gas activities in Egypt between latitudes 28° and 22°N. The Western Desert is a vast kaleidoscope of rolling terrain and sand dunes punctuated by rugged ridges and a large north–south trending valley (Figure 1). Exploration in this remote landscape dates back over 15 years, but little has been undertaken of late, primarily because three wells were drilled into a shallow basement, condemning the area to the ‘not prospective’ bin. This analysis was reinforced by several incorrect publications showing a shallow basement to extend over much of Ganope’s Western Desert area. A particular blow was the West Kom Ombo (WKO) well, sited to detect the western extent of the Kom Ombo Basin, a proven hydrocarbon basin with production to the east. The eFTG multiclient survey was to be the first high resolution dataset to be flown over this frontier area.

How Did eFTG Perform?

Thanks to the development of eFTG technology, the results have exceeded expectations. The team has identified Pan-African and Arabian shield trends, and the uplift from the legacy gravity data to the eFTG data is quite remarkable, even when looking at the imagery on an 8-km line spacing (Figure 2).

legacy terrain corrected
Figure 2: Legacy terrain corrected (TC) gravity vs, Horus-1 eFTG TC gravity data. The eFTG highlights poor well locations and discovers new rift basins (R1,2,3).

As the eFTG survey progressed from 8-km to 2-km line spacing and the processing was refined, further very significant improvements in data quality were realised as shown below in Figure 3.

eftg images
Figure 3: 8km line spacing resolution (Left), 2km line spacing resolution (Right)

But what about the all-important prospectively of the upper Western Desert? The three wells would never have been sited where they were had eFTG data been available at that time, as they are located on positive high anomalies indicative of shallow basement. Even the West Kom Ombo well, thought to sit in the basin proper, was drilled into a shallow structure. However, what is far more exciting is the discovery of a previously unknown rifted section beneath a carbonate/marl platform. The rift is about 75 km to the east of the Qusur-1 and Bulaq-1 wells, which are located in the modern-day valley, assumed to be the surface manifestation of the subsurface rifted section.

Three wells, three mistakes, and three decades of exploration abandonment for the Ganope Western Desert region.

The Development of eFTG in the Exploration Toolkit

It is clear that the eFTG is adding value to the exploration workflow at every stage, from regional mapping and de-risking acreage to enabling accurate design and implementation of future seismic surveys. The data is also providing constraint to processing and interpretation of seismic data that is rendered opaque by the presence of salts, carbonates and volcanics. Future 3D seismic surveys are already being planned, including well siting, hazard detection, and reservoir mapping, all derived from the acquired eFTG data.

In isolation, the imagery is impressive, especially given the regional survey’s wide line spacing. As we move to a 2 km footprint, more details will emerge from the geological understanding. However, away from the unfolding geological story, what has truly impressed the team is the advancement in performance of Lockheed’s latest system.

noise level turbulance
Figure 4: (a) Noise level versus turbulence level for FTG (dots) and eFTG (stars); (b) Ratio of FTG and eFTG noise levels over a range of turbulence. Dashed ends of lines represent sections of extrapolation. © AustinBridgeporth (Earthline)

eFTG Data vs FTG Data

Now that eFTG has been in airborne operation, it is possible to draw realistic comparisons between the eFTG instruments and older FTG instruments under actual survey conditions. 

Figure 4a shows the noise levels for several survey lines from FTG and eFTG surveys, both acquired in a range of turbulence levels. The solid lines represent visually fitted trend curves and suggest that FTG noise varies roughly quadratically with turbulence whilst eFTG noise is more linear. Figure 3b gives the ratio of these trends and shows the noise improvement factor of the eFTG over this range of turbulence. The minimum of this ratio for data acquired in reasonable conditions is approximately three and close to the theoretical prediction based on just the scaled-up size of the instrument. 

More unexpected, however, is the significant relative improvement of the eFTG data for higher levels of turbulence, where the noise ratio approaches a factor of 8. However, FTG data would rarely be collected in levels of turbulence greater than 0.9 ms-2 due to the known deterioration of the data quality. The more modest increase in noise with turbulence seen in the eFTG data has, however, allowed data to be collected in much higher levels of turbulence, leading to exceptional productivity rates in excess of 1,000 km (accepted) per flight.

Over typical survey turbulence levels, the noise offered by the eFTG is three to five times lower than the FTG – and a three-times reduction in noise is equivalent to a nine-times increase in efficiency. Consider an anomaly whose gravity signal amplitude places it at the detection threshold of eFTG noise. To see this anomaly within FTG noise levels, the survey line spacing would need to be nine times tighter to reduce the noise to the same level as seen in the eFTG. Since survey cost increases with the line kilometres flown, the eFTG is therefore capable of imaging targets that would have been prohibitively expensive to survey with the previous instrumentation. 

Simply put, Horus-1 and the eFTG instrument have exceeded all expectations.

To find out more about eFTG or to discuss any projects, please contact us today. 

Learn more about the eFTG dataset here: PowerPoint Presentation (

Learn more about the bid round here: EUG (

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

WHAT IS LIDAR USED FOR? /what-is-lidar-used-for/ Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:36:58 +0000 /?p=5600

What is LiDAR Used For?

February 2024

Airborne LiDAR – Gravity Gradiometry’s Most Under-Utilized Dataset

Conducting LiDAR surveys is one of our service offerings at Earthline Consulting. In this insight we discuss what LiDAR is and what LiDAR is used for. If you have any questions or would like more information, make sure you contact our team.

What is LiDAR?

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data is acquired as a standard element of a Earthline Consulting airborne survey. A LiDAR sensor is mounted under an aircraft and generates a laser pulse train. This laser pulse train is transmitted to the surface of the earth and bounces back to the laser. The time taken for it to return is measured and can be used to accurately calculate the distance of the earths surface to the LiDAR sensor, thus determining accurate elevations of points on the ground. These measurements are used to create a map of the area – referred to as a point cloud.

What is LiDAR Used for in Geophysical Surveys

Earthline uses the calibrated, processed and ground-classified point cloud data from the LiDAR sensor to generate a high-resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to remove topography signals from the gravity gradient and scalar gravity datasets.

This alone validates the use of a LiDAR system. LiDAR sensors have the ability to image points that are beneath vegetation; this means trees and other plants will not cause false elevation readings. This is something alternative methods are unable to provide. Therefore, the ground surface derived from the

LiDAR point cloud is more accurate than any other publicly available datasets (such as NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data or Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) topography).

LiDAR Beyond Geophysics

Traditionally, this is where LiDAR’s involvement ends for the geophysical survey. 

But what if we went beyond this and investigated other uses for this dataset? What else is LiDAR used for? 

Well, this is one of the new approaches Earthline Consulting is taking towards maximizing the use of their acquired data for its clients. A high-resolution ground surface model contains a vast amount of information, and its applications can start to move away from exploration, for example, into urban planning, environmental monitoring, or just a clearer understanding of a region’s topography.

colourised lidar point cloud over urban area showing city infrastructure
Colourised LiDAR Point Cloud over urban area showing city infrastructure

What is LiDAR Used For? Top Applications

Below are five example applications of what a LiDAR-derived DTM can be used for beyond its intended use in a geophysical survey.

1. Enhancement of Aerial or Satellite Imagery

LiDAR can be used to enhance aerial or satellite imagery. Let’s look at a typical satellite image over an area. On its own, it can perhaps tell you there are streams with vegetation, and some topography variations are seen. However, the characteristics of these are difficult to determine from the imagery alone.

However, when the LiDAR DTM is acquired and visually combined with the satellite imagery, previous features are much more defined, and a more complete picture of the terrain is obtained. In particular, the terracing or layering of the topography in the NW corner, which is not immediately apparent in the satellite image. 

This use may initially appear simplistic but can start to become more valuable if, for example, future ground operations are planned in the area.

satellite image
Satellite Image
combined satellite and lidar image
Combined Satellite and LiDAR Image

2. Slope Analysis

So, you have a general idea of the topography from satellite imagery alone and an enhanced view of it when combined with the DTM, but what if you need to know how steep it is?  

Slope analysis can express the steepness of topography in either degrees or percent by calculating a first derivative of the elevation.

LiDAR can be used to generate a slope to map accessible areas and assist in planning ground activities or highlighting areas of potential ground instability. 

slope analysis

3. Aspect

Another use for data collected using airborne LiDAR is determining aspect. Aspect is the directional component of the slope, calculated by comparing the elevation of a grid cell with that of its neighbours. For example, if a neighbouring cell to the east is higher in elevation than one to the west, the centre cell has a west-facing aspect.

This information, used in conjunction with the slope analysis, is vital in any planning of siting structures required to face a certain direction, such as solar or wind farms.


4. Ruggedness

The ruggedness index1 of terrain describes the elevation difference between adjacent cells of the DTM grid.  

At first, it looks like the slope grid, but it is telling more. The lower the index, the smoother the ground, the knowledge of which could aid, for example, the planning of ground seismic activities. Determining the ruggedness of an area is yet another use of LiDAR.

1Riley et al (1999) A terrain ruggedness index that quantifies topographic heterogeneity, Intermountain Journal of Sciences, vol. 5, No. 1-4, pp.23-27.

5. Water Flow Path and Basic Flood Modelling

The DTM generated using LiDAR data can be interrogated to quickly find the low points in the topography and identify them as likely stream/river paths and demarcate watershed and drainage catchments.

 With the stream paths identified, using GIS modelling methods, a predicted rise in water level and a basic flood risk map can be created.

In the further example of flood modelling in an urban environment, the value of knowing where at-risk buildings are, or the way street layout and urban planning influence floodwater movement become more obvious.

water flow path

Final Thoughts on LiDAR and It’s Uses

There are further uses for LiDAR beyond those discussed above. The value of LiDAR data acquired during a gravity gradiometry survey is greatly underestimated outside its “usual” use as a terrain correction.

It’s the most up-to-date high-resolution elevation data over a survey area without having to rely on older datasets, which may not convey any topography changes (such as landslides or man-made alterations). It gives an insight into factors which other disciplines rely on for planning and decision making.

However, one of the strongest arguments for taking LiDAR data further is that no further acquisition cost is needed. This is a dataset which is acquired regardless but underutilized. Until now….

For more information on LiDAR, take a look at our service page. If you have any questions or have an application you would like to discuss, please contact us today. 

dc3t with lidar housing under nose
DC3T with LiDAR housing under nose

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

A RESOURCE CHALLENGED TRANSITION /a-resource-challenged-transition/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 10:24:34 +0000 /?p=5356

A Resource Challenged Transition

January 2024

Advantages of Airborne Geophysical Surveying for Raw Materials

Airborne geophysical surveying is quickly becoming one of the most important methods of detecting raw material reserves. In the next 30 years, it is predicted that to meet CO2 emissions targets (principally through electrification), humankind will need to extract twice as much copper than has been produced so far. 

How can airborne geophysical surveying contribute towards this?
In this insight, we discuss exactly that. 

a resource challenged transition min

The Importance of Airborne Geophysical Surveying

Although future copper shortages are routinely discussed and presumably well known, the problem is mirrored across a wide range of other critical metals and elements, such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium, to name three. In the context of CO2 reduction, we should also bear in mind that natural gas will be a strategically important interim energy supply while renewables, hydrogen and nuclear energy play catch up. Therefore, the search for new gas reserves is likely to continue for at least another decade, as suggested by Wood Mackenzie’s recent forecast that global LNG imports will grow from about 554 billion CBM in 2023 to about 857 billion CBM in 2040. 

Considering the current resource discovery rate and the inevitable decade-long lag between discovery and effective exploitation, there has never been more urgency to explore more efficiently for these raw materials. To meet this rapidly growing demand for key energy transition metals requires effective and rapid exploration. On top of this, there is increasing demand to explore and exploit these resources far more sustainably. To make matters even more complex, some of these strategic reserves are geographically constrained to a limited number of countries. Considering all of these points, airborne geophysical surveying has quickly become one of the most important methods for research and exploitation. 

Benefits of Airborne Geophysical Surveying

Airborne geophysical surveying offers numerous environmental and other benefits, including rapid data acquisition, high accuracy, as well as significantly reduced environmental and HSE impact. 

These surveys minimise environmental disturbance and reduce the need for extensive land access, clearances and permissions in areas without roads and other means of access. They also allow prioritisation of areas for more detailed exploration, reducing the need for extensive drilling, which can be environmentally disruptive.

Other Advantages of Airborne Geophysical Surveying

Airborne geophysical surveying acquires data rapidly over large areas, making this speedy surveying method particularly advantageous for large-scale assessments. This allows for practical, comprehensive sovereign state resource mapping projects. Data can be processed, and interim results can be produced every 24 hours, allowing prioritisation of areas of interest for further infill. Multiple geophysical data sets can be acquired in a single survey.

Earthline routinely acquires high-resolution gravity gradiometry, scalar gravity, magnetics and LiDAR in most of its surveys. 

Airborne Geophysical Surveys – Final Thoughts

Surely, more large-scale airborne geophysical surveys provide a cost-effective first step in helping enable a resource-constrained transition.

At Earthline Consulting, we are able to offer various technologies when it comes to airborne geophysical surveys. Take a look at our technology menu to see the different options. 

For further information, please contact the team today.   


Resource Metal

Required Production (tons)

Known Reserves (tons)

Known Reserves ability to cover anticipated demand




Reserves cover ~ 20%




Reserves cover ~ 3.5%




Reserves cover ~ 3.6%




Reserves cover ~ 10%




Reserves cover ~ 10%




Reserves cover ~ 3.5% 

Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

SLOVAKIA /slovakia/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 12:23:37 +0000 /?p=5064


Oil and Gas – March 2013

flag of slovakia.svg


Acquisition Timeline:

3rd party

Re-Processing Timeline:

10 Days

Interpretation Timeline:

40 Days







Contact Earthline Consulting for more information

CANADA /canada/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 12:17:28 +0000 /?p=5057


Oil and Gas – December 2011

flag of canada (pantone)


Aquisition Timeline:

84 Days

Processing Timeline:

30 Days

Interpretation Timeline:

20 Days





Contact Earthline Consulting for more information
